You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me       CHER

Feeling broken 我傷透了心
Barely holding on 幾乎無法站立
But there's just something so strong 但心中仍有股強烈的感覺
Somewhere inside me 深藏在心裡
And I am down, but I'll get up again 雖然現在傷心難過,但我一定會痊癒
Don't count me out just yet 別那麼快就判我出局

I've been brought down to my knees 我曾跪倒在地
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking 我曾重重被擊倒
But I can take it 但我仍勇敢面對
I'll be back 我將重回我的舞台
Back on my feet 找回我的一切
This is far from over 一切都還未結束
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我

They can say that 無論他們怎麼說
I won't stay around 那一點也不影響我
I’m gonna stand my ground 我會站穩自己的腳步
You're not going to stop me 沒有人可以阻止我
You don't know me, you don't know who I am 你絲毫不知道我的潛力和能耐
Don't count me out so fast 別太早就判定我失敗

I've been brought down to my knees 我曾跪倒在地
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking 我曾重重被擊倒
But I can take it 但我仍勇敢面對
I'll be back 我將重回我的舞台
Back on my feet 找回我的一切
This is far from over 一切都還未結束
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我

There will be no fade-out 還沒進入尾聲
This is not the end 一切都還未結束
I'm down now 儘管現在失意
But I'll be standing tall again 但我會再度站起
Times are hard but 那些艱困的過去
I was built tough 將我磨礪得堅強
I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of 我會讓你看到真正的我

I've been brought down to my knees 我曾跪倒在地
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking 我曾重重被擊倒
But I can take it 但我仍勇敢面對
I'll be back 我將重回我的舞台
Back on my feet 找回我的一切
This is far from over 一切都還未結束
I'm far from over 我還沒有投降
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我

No no 不
I'm not going nowhere 我哪裡也不會去
I'm staying right here 就站在這裡
Oh no 不
you won't see me fade out 我還沒離開
I'm not taking my bow 也不會認輸
Can't stop me 沒有人能阻止我
It’s not the end 這還不是結局
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我
Oh no 不
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我
You haven't seen the last of me 你還沒看過最後的我








爬了文卻發現中英歌詞都怪怪的= =







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